Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Very Special Day

Today is a Special Day!!!

Alerina is turning 3 today!!!

It's amazing to see how she has grown. She's now a very, very girlie-girl . . . . . . who's into dressing up, playing kitchen, tea parties, and of course, bothering her brother :o)

Our Dear Alerina . . . . Brother, Daddy, and Mommy just wanted to say:

Happy 3rd. Birthday, Sweetie!!!
We LOVE you very, very much!!!
Enjoy your Special Day!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

A Very Special Day

Today is a Very Special Day!!

Why you asked??? Well . . . . . . Today
Sebastian turned 5 years old!!!

We can't believe it!!! It seems like it was yesterday when we brought him home from the hospital . . . . . all teeny-weenie and oh-so-tiny and NOW . . . . geesh-louise, he's heavy, tall, and growing up WAY too fast before our very eyes!!!!

To our dearest, Sebastian . . . . . Mom, Dad, and Alerina just wanted to say:

Today is Your Special Day!!!
We love You VERY, VERY much!!
Stay sweet and enjoy every minute
of your Special Day!!
Happy 5th. Birthday, Sebastian!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

We hit a New Milestone :o)

Today is the First Day of School!

Sebastian started Kindergarten :o)

I was very nervous at the thought of him all on his own for such a looooooooong time (7.5 hours) but he WAS ready!!! He woke up early, ate ALL his breakfast quickly (which he rarely does), got dressed and was anxious to get on the bus!!!

Today he got to use his new shirt, shoes, and backpack!! The funny thing is that his backpack look more like a parachute on his back than a bag because it was sooooo HUGE on him!!!

When we were already we all walked to the bus stop. The bus stop was 2 houses down from our house - which is VERY, VERY nice!!! :o) Believe it or not, almost everybody here takes the school bus. What's even more surprising is that the school is only 3 miles away AND he still rides the bus . . . . how GREAT is that!?!?!?!?!?! So from now on, Sebastian will be picked up at 8:19 every morning and will be drop-off around 3:45 ish.

The bus was a little late today (first day and all) but it finally came! Sebastian totally surprised us because he was SOOOO excited when the bus came. He quickly said goodbye to me and wanted to get on the bus RIGHT THEN AND THERE!! I had to yell at him to say bye to Alerina and Bac. And before we knew it, he was getting on and in the bus and was gone :o(

Sadness came over me but I was Good . . . I didn't cry . . . teary-eyed but not crying! That counts right for not crying, right??????

The day was quiet without Sebastian. It was just the 3 of us. Today, we did our usual thing around the house and before we knew it was time to pick him up at the bus stop. It was almost 8 hours since I've seen him and surprisingly enough, it flew by!!!

When, Sebastian got off the bus, he was Happy :o). He seemed to enjoy his first day of Kindergarten (Thank goodness!!!) and he was actually looking forward to going back!!! Phewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :o)

As sad as I am knowing that this IS the very first day of the start of my little boy growing up and being out there in the real world, out of my protective 24/7 bubble . . . . . . . I am happy because I know Sebastian will do just fine :o)

Check out more pictures:

Monday, April 27, 2009

How many years?!?!?!?!

On the 26th., Bac and I celebrated our Wedding Anniversary! Can't believe it's been 6 years already?!?!?!? Like I always say, "Geesh-Louise . . . . . Time Flies!!!"

For our anniversary, we had dinner at home WITHOUT the kids!! Our friends watched the kiddies for couple of hours while we enjoyed a quiet, no interruption dinner. We did all the prepping in the afternoon so after dropping the kids off (we walked 2 houses down) we started cooking/baking away.

We had a Caprese Salad to start off our dinner, followed by the Entree (pan-seared fish - forgot the name of the fish but it was yummy because it was not fishy, with grilled garlic asparagus, and garlic mashed potatoes), and to end the meal we had a Molten Lava Cake!

The food was GOOD . . . . . BUT . . . . the fact that we got to eat slowly and take our time, had dinner without one of the kids hanging from us or yelling for us, without the noisy background from the TV or the kids yelling at each other, just made the meal 100% BETTER!!!!

It was a nice little treat for us :o)

Happy 6th. Year Anniversary, Honey!
Love you much xoxo's

OH . . . they're SOOOO Yummie :o)

Ever since living in Iowa, I have become a better baker and cook! When I was in LA, I hardly ever bake let alone cook! I think the fact that there's not alot of restraurants to choose from around here, I am forced to bake something or cook something when I'm craving it!

I have been introduced to a new blogger from a friend and I LOVE her!!!! She cooks all these great yummies that I can't wait to try. Last week while checking out the blog I came across some onion strings! I haven't had onion rings/strings in ages (almost a year now) so after reading the recipe over and over, I could not get my mind off the onion strings! I HAD to make them!!!

Boy, was I glad I did because . . . . . . . OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH man, they were SOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!! They were good when they were hot and crispy and they were even good cold!! Bac and I ate them all up! The frying was a bit time consuming but boy-oh-boy, they were TOTALLY worth it!!!

All I can say is "YUMS!!!" Can't wait to try more of her recipes -- I'm getting hungry just thinking about them!!

Garage Sale Season Kickoff!

Garage Sale Season has officially kicked off here in good ol' Cedar Rapids. It's been about 2 weeks now and the Penny Saver/Craiglist/local paper have more and more ads for garage sales going on. Last year, my neighbor hosted the very first neighborhood sale and we weren't able to join because we were still in the "unpacking" stage but this year . . . . we participated!!! I was SOOOOOOOO excited cuz' it my very first garage sale ever!!! I 've always wanted to do one in LA but never had the chance to.

So . . . with 2 weeks to prepare I searched and searched every single cabinet, corner, boxes, you name it . . I checked it out and cleared it out! I found TONS of toys that the kids have outgrown. I also found tons of clothes that I never, ever wear anymore, little knick-knacks around the house, and of course, kid's clothes that they've outgrown or worn-out. The first week I was busy hunting for stuff, the second week I was busy pricing, and helping my friend set up.

With 6 families joining in to participate, she had her 3-car garage jammed-pack full of stuff/junk. We did a 3-day garage sale, Thurs. (3-7) , Fri. (8-2) and Sat. (8-12). The day of, I started bringing my goods over to her place at 1:00 . . . thinking I had 2 hours to set up. But believe it or not, at 2:00 people started showing up. Well . . . let's back track a bit by 1 day, Wednesday afternoon, my friend had someone come to her house wanting to get an early preview . . . my friend couldn't say No so . . . $160 later she made her very first sale. The day of . . . while playing outside with the kiddies (noon time) . . . I saw a lady walking toward my friend's house, and guess what . . another person wanting a "preview" and $300 later another sale.

So . . back to the story . . . at 2:00 people started showing up and my friend (again) could not say No so . . . because 1 showed up and shop . . more and more came and before we knew it, it was in FULL swing with TONS of people shopping, rummaging through bins and bins and bags and bags of stuff not unpacked yet before our official start time which was suppose to be 3:00.

By 4:00 on our first day, I was already tired of cleaning up and setting up!

It's amazing how anxious and popular garage sales are around here!!! We had cars parked all over the block and people kept on coming and coming and shopping and shopping! The first day, of course, was the busiest. The second day, not as much, and by the third day, it was totally and utterly slow but overall, we did pretty good selling our stuff/goods/junk! It was FUN :oD . . . . I can't wait to have another garage sale!!!

Garage Sales are BIG around here because like the saying goes . . .
"One man's junk is another man's treasure!"

Check out more pictures from this link:

Friday, April 17, 2009


With the weather being warmer and warmer . . . the kids have been playing outside every single day! Sebastian is out from lunch time till about 3:00 running around, playing baseball, tag, whatever the kids finds to do with the kiddies from around the block. Sebastian was SOOOOOOOOOO tired one day from playing that he was falling asleep while eating his dessert. After he ate his ice cream, he found a spot on the floor in our kitchen, sat down, and fell asleep. I was in the bathroom giving Alerina a bath so Bac was there to catch it on camera. Too funny :o)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Mommy . . . . see Funny Face!"

Alerina was introduced to a new kid's show that my friend's daughter totally LoVES and as you guess it . . . . Alerina LOVES watching it as well! The show is called Yo Gabba Gabba! Bac and I thinks it's a totally mindless show but she enjoys it so much that we couple of dvds now in our house for her to watch!

Well anyways, the show has a segment where the characters and all the kids are making funny faces at each other and Alerina has caught on to make these funny faces so . . . . . . from time to time she would say, "Mommy . . . . see Funny Face!" and she the faces she makes are just to die for!!! The funny faces change from time to time and of course, I never have the camera handy till now.

So . . . here are couple shots of her and her "funny face". She gets quiet the kick when she's done making the faces :o) Too funny, I tell you!

Easter Egg Hunt

The kiddies got to participate at a neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt this year and it was very, very, EXCITING for us and the kids :o)

It is the kid's very first egg hunt ever!!! Last year it was still snowing when Easter came around so the neighborhood did it at a indoor play area. With this year being sooooo nice out and no sight of snow, it was at a local park 2 minutes away from our house.

There was TONS of kids, eggs, the Easter Bunny, and running around that morning! The kids had a good ol' time hunting for eggs. Afterwards we headed to the playground right next to the park to burn off more energy . . . . . he.. he.. he.. :oD

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring is finally here :o)

The snow has melted away. The sound of birds chirping fills the air. Kids are out playing. Most importantly . . . the weather is warm, warm, warm. NO MORE wearing snow pants, gloves, jackets, and hats!!

Today was 72 degrees!!! It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice!!! For the past 2 days (yesterday was 68 degrees) the kids have been out playing with all the other neighborhood kids! We haven't seen them since Thanksgiving so it was amazing to see how they've grown in the last 4 months of winter.

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :oD - We survived yet another winter here in good ol' Iowa. This winter was cold like our first winter but it was not as long (last year, it was still snowing in the month of April) as last winter . . . . everybody say "GOOD BYE, WINTER" and . . . . "HELLO SPRING :o)!!!!! YIPPIE-SKIPPIE :oD

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Special Birthday Shout Out . . . .

Happy Birthday to you . . .
Happy Birthday to you . . .
Happy Birthday dearest WESLEY . . .
Happy Birthday to you!!!

Happy 1st Birthday, Wesley!!!
We love you very much!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

BackTrack #3 - December 2008

I can't believe Christmas was 3 months ago . . . . geesh-louise . . . I'M SOOOOOOO BEHIND IN BLOGGING!!!!!!!

Have to get on track! Have to get on track! repeat . . . Have to get on track! Have to get on track! Can't waste anymore minutes/days/events!!!!!

OK . . . back to the month of December!!! That month we were busy trying to take family pictures, counting down days, baking, shopping, wrapping presents, prepping the house, cleaning the house, writing Christmas cards, and most importantly . . . . . HOSTING - HOSTING - HOSTING!!!

Hosting - Hosting - Hosting: We were BUSY counting down when we hit the month of December because we were expecting TONS of people visiting us for the holidays. Before we knew it, one by one each family member were coming in to join in the festivities. We had my parents that came in the 17th., Bac's sister and mom came on the 18th., my sister (who was suppose to come in on the 18th. but missed her flight) came on the 19th., another sister of Bac's along with Bac's dad and one cousin came on the 20th. I thought that was it but boy, was I in for a surprise . . . . the night my sister came in I wanted to go pick her up at the airport . . . as I was waiting for her . . . . I see a familiar face . . . my sister-in-law and my nephew! I did a double look and just stared and stared until I said . . . . "what are you doing here???" Of course, her visit was a surprise. Bac knew all this time. Apparently, she booked her flight back in Nov. and never told anybody about it cuz' she wanted it to be a surprise . . . . It was a NICE surprise! I'm glad she and Justin made it out :o)

Family: With everybody here for the holidays we were busy eating, shopping, staying up late snacking, watching movies, and non-stop playing for the kiddies. It was FUN having our family here with us . . . it made our first Christmas in Iowa extra special :o)

Baking: During the holidays we HAD to have goodies in the house so the kiddies got hands-on baking experience with making shaped-sugar cookies. Sebastian enjoyed rolling the dough, picking out the different cookie cutter to use, decorating the cookies with all the sprinkles, eating the sprinkles, and of course, eating the cookies. The only part Sebastian did not really enjoy was the waiting/baking time. He kept on looking in the oven and asking me . . . "Is it done now? Can we eat it now, Mom?" Alerina did not participate in the whole "making/baking" process but she did take part in eating the sprinkles . . . . . she REALLY enjoyed that!!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fuzzy-Wuzzy :o)

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a Bear
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no Hair
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't Fuzzy
Was she?!?!?!

I was cleaning out Alerina's closet when I came upon this fuzzy coat she received for her 1st birthday. I tried it on her for the very first time tonight and it finally fits her now. I thought she would give me a hard time and want the coat off . . . . but to my surprise . . . . she would not take it off! So . . . you know what that means . . . . . Photo Time :o) I ran to get the camera and click-click-away . . . . never know when I'll get the chance to take another shot of her wearing the fuzzy wuzzy coat.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Back track #2 - November 2008

At the end of the month, we were hit with our very first snowfall of the season. It was a beautiful site to see. As we woke up that morning, everything was just white!!! There was snow everywhere but it was not that cold . . . so . . . we got the kids all dressed up to play in the snow. They had fun making snowman, making snow angels, and running around in the snow :o)

Back in November, I was getting ready for the holidays. Usually, I don't get the house all decked out till after Thanksgiving but around here, everybody seems to be getting ready as early as early November. I guess, with the weather getting colder and colder as winter approaches has something to do with people getting the front of the house ready early. So . . . it was my very first time getting our christmas tree up, getting the outside, as well as, the inside of the house ready 2 weeks before Thanksgiving. It felt weird at first but seeing neighbors having their tree up and decked out house . . . I didn't feel as weird :o)

Anyways, to kick off the holiday spirit early . . . I decided to do a christmas photo shoot of the kids. It wasn't planned but they were cooperating/behaving so well that day that I took the chance and boy, am I glad, I did! They were sooooooooooooo good and most, importantly, some of the pictures came out great!

The month of November was also the month that Sebastian started playing Guitar Hero. He usually watch Bac plays and he rocks out with his Elmo guitar but one day, he wanted to try so I let him. To my surprise, he was good! He started out playing using the "training" mode but before I knew it, he was getting it and he was better than me!!

So . . . 2 months now since he's been playing and he is just GREAT at it! He's playing "Medium" level these days and has picked up playing the drums when we play Guitar Hero.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Back track #1 - November 2008

Back in November 2008 we had our first Thanksgiving in Iowa. We were invited to our neighbor's house who made the traditional Turkey meal with all the fixin' :o) They (our neighbor) too were newbies to Marion (moved to IA from Chicago 3 months before we did) so it was just their family (5 of the them with their mom), our family, and the B's (also newbies to Marion who moved from LA about couple of months before November).

Bac, of course, made his famous Egg Rolls for us to munch on before the BIG meal and I made the mac and cheese, green-bean casseroles, and desserts.

All the food was YUMMY :o) - the kids had FUN playing - and the adults had great time chit-chatting.

All in all it was a nice, cozy Thanksgiving with our family away from family here in IA.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year - 2009!!

Happy New Year to you and your family!!!
Here's to year full of Blessings, Surprises,
and Sweet Memories :o)

I'm Back . . . .

Hello! Hello! Hello!

Sorry I've been MIA lately . . . . . . . I totally skipped November and December all together! I was introduced to Facebook and I have to admit . . . I am addicted to it!!! But have to get back to blogging cuz' I realize that the blog is my life/day-to-day story/events of the kids and what good ol' Cedar Rapids have to offer to us so . . . back to blogging I go!


Anyways, I will back track a bit and blog and post some pictures of the events that happened back in November and December, OK?

Alrightie then . . . . here goes . . . . . .