Whenever she sees them when we're out shopping, she'll point to them and say "Yummmie!" and that's it . . . . . . it's over . . . . . . . I have to purchase them because if not . . . . . . . little missy will throw her little fit.
Anyways, one afternoon I sat her down to snack on them and within minutes she gobbled them down. It was way too cute, not a single peep came out of her . . . . . . all you hear are the rustling sounds of the wrapper as she grabbed for more and the sounds of her crunching away . . . . . . she was way too busy eating!!!! By the looks of the picture, you could tell someone sure enjoyed their little snack :o)
Oh my! That is too darn cute!
How cute!
someone's a pocky monster... =)
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