Monday, June 30, 2008

Oh, how I LOVE Pocky Stick Cookies!!!

Alerina loves to snack! Her all time favorite things to snack on are these Pocky Stick Cookies.

Whenever she sees them when we're out shopping, she'll point to them and say "Yummmie!" and that's it . . . . . . it's over . . . . . . . I have to purchase them because if not . . . . . . . little missy will throw her little fit.

Anyways, one afternoon I sat her down to snack on them and within minutes she gobbled them down. It was way too cute, not a single peep came out of her . . . . . . all you hear are the rustling sounds of the wrapper as she grabbed for more and the sounds of her crunching away . . . . . . she was way too busy eating!!!! By the looks of the picture, you could tell someone sure enjoyed their little snack :o)


Karina said...

Oh my! That is too darn cute!

Unknown said...

How cute!

sin said...

someone's a pocky monster... =)