I can't believe Christmas was 3 months ago . . . . geesh-louise . . . I'M SOOOOOOO BEHIND IN BLOGGING!!!!!!!
Have to get on track! Have to get on track! repeat . . . Have to get on track! Have to get on track! Can't waste anymore minutes/days/events!!!!!
OK . . . back to the month of December!!! That month we were busy trying to take family pictures, counting down days, baking, shopping, wrapping presents, prepping the house, cleaning the house, writing Christmas cards, and most importantly . . . . . HOSTING - HOSTING - HOSTING!!!
Hosting - Hosting - Hosting: We were BUSY counting down when we hit the month of December because we were expecting TONS of people visiting us for the holidays. Before we knew it, one by one each family member were coming in to join in the festivities. We had my parents that came in the 17th., Bac's sister and mom came on the 18th., my sister (who was suppose to come in on the 18th. but missed her flight) came on the 19th., another sister of Bac's along with Bac's dad and one cousin came on the 20th. I thought that was it but boy, was I in for a surprise . . . . the night my sister came in I wanted to go pick her up at the airport . . . as I was waiting for her . . . . I see a familiar face . . . my sister-in-law and my nephew! I did a double look and just stared and stared until I said . . . . "what are you doing here???" Of course, her visit was a surprise. Bac knew all this time. Apparently, she booked her flight back in Nov. and never told anybody about it cuz' she wanted it to be a surprise . . . . It was a NICE surprise! I'm glad she and Justin made it out :o)
Family: With everybody here for the holidays we were busy eating, shopping, staying up late snacking, watching movies, and non-stop playing for the kiddies. It was FUN having our family here with us . . . it made our first Christmas in Iowa extra special :o)

Baking: During the holidays we HAD to have goodies in the house so the kiddies got hands-on baking experience with making shaped-sugar cookies. Sebastian enjoyed rolling the dough, picking out the different cookie cutter to use, decorating the cookies with all the sprinkles, eating the sprinkles, and of course, eating the cookies. The only part Sebastian did not really enjoy was the waiting/baking time. He kept on looking in the oven and asking me . . . "Is it done now? Can we eat it now, Mom?" Alerina did not participate in the whole "making/baking" process but she did take part in eating the sprinkles . . . . . she REALLY enjoyed that!!!!